Colour: Brown with varying colour changes that include red, orange, green and gold.Location found: Madagascar, Canada, China and India.

Alternative Names: Ammolite and Ammonite.They are predominately found in Madagascar and Canada (Alberta). When they have an iridescent shine to them they are called Ammonlites. Ammonites are a distant relative of the Nautiolds which exist in the oceans today. Used as a hand warmer or comforter when you need some direction in life.Īmmonites are the fossilized remains of the sea animal called Ammonites that evolved approximately 416 million years ago and were the most abundant aminal found in the ancient oceans they are a member of the Nautiloids Family.Combine with Black Jet, Atlantisite and Red Jasper. Can be used in all meditations to assist with raising the Kundalini Energies.Some other organic stones you can use are Any Fossil, Petrified Wood, Jet, Amber, Turritella Agate and Stromatolites. Can be used in all grid work and mediations in order to bring through the organic balance.Can be worn in a piece of jewelry for long periods of time.Physical Healing –Help maintain a healthy blood pressure, childbirth, Degenerative Disorder, ear and lung issues, increasing stamina and vitality. Question: What do you do to raise your energy level? Affirmation: My energy levels rise like a spiral up and around me. Ammonite draws off all negative energies, it does this by using its spirals as a filter and drawing out all of the negative vibrations, filtering them through the spiral and releasing them as positive vibrational life force energy. The Ammonite is also often recommended to put in the home to attract health, prosperity and success. Ammonites are often used to help activate Kundalini and life path energies. Ammonites have spent eons absorbing cosmic energies and this allows them to stimulate Chi (life force) within us. Its spiral shape helps us to realize and accept continual change and evolution within our lives. Sleep – 5 Top Crystals for Better Deeper SleepĪmmonite Metaphysical Healing Properties InformationĪmmonites are a very powerful earth healing fossil.Protection – 5 Top Psychic Attach Protection Stone.Menopaue – 5 Top Crystals for Fevers or Menopause Hot Flashes.EMF 5G Protection – TOP 3 Crystals for EMF or 5G Protection.Addiction – Top 5 Crystal to help Break an Addiction.Top 7 Ways to use Shungite for EMF Protection.Star Hollandite (Black Star Quartz, Star Quartz, Spider Quartz).Hiddenite (Green Kunzite or Green Spodumene).Citrine – Natural Green Tibetan Citrine.SOLD Round Palm Stone Chakra Set with Chakra Symbols.EMF (5G) Protection and Cellular Regeneration Kits.Elite, Noble, Crystal or Silver Shungite.Ways to use Shungite for EMF Protection.EMF Radiation-Free Air Tube Earbud Headphones.Schumann Resonance (Om) Frequency Raise.Moldavite VS Darwin Glass VS Libyan Desert Glass.5 Top Crystals for Insomnia Better Deeper Sleep.5 Top Psychic Attach Protection Crystals Stone.TOP 3 Crystals for EMF or 5G Protection.Summer Solstice – Inner Power and Light.